Monday, March 21, 2011

Tunnel Vision

One thing you hear poker players talking about quite a bit is how a player needs to have a plan for hands that they will be playing.  I don't disagree at all with the notion that you need to have a plan for how you're going to play out a hand, but there is definitely a risk in getting too locked in to ones plan and ignoring additional information that comes to light ...


  1. my views on this topic differ from you.its good that you brought this up on your blog,it was a nice controversial read.

  2. Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?

  3. well let me be brutally honest with you,i didnt like your writing style, but i got what i came searching here for,so thanks for this post,though you can improve your writing style by a bit.

  4. the way you connect with your readers through your posts is amazing,be it a video,image or a post, you seem to exactly know what fits in the criteria.beleive me i read 10's of blogs every week, but your posts are quite engrossing than the rest. I just hope you continue writing and updating this blog!
